Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekly Health Check-in

So, I will do my weekly health check-ins on Sundays because that is when I weight myself for Weight Watchers.

Original Weight: 166
Last Weeks Weight: 164.4
This weeks Weight: 163.6
Loss of:0.8lbs from last week

I will take it! I had a lot of great accomplishments this week and also a few set backs that probably caused the minimal weight loss.

I will start with the set backs:
  1.  AF came to visit this week which probably didn't help with the following. 
  2.  I just haven't eaten well this week. Hubby and I went out to eat at the beginning of the week which caused a trickling effect of bad eating because of leftovers. We went to a wonderful BBQ place where they have fried dill pickles...I can not turn away friend dill pickles!!
  3. I had not one, but two, pieces of Italian creme cake on the 4th of July. It is my favorite kind of cake EVER and it was my ILs wedding anniversary. 
  4. We had pizza last night for dinner because we were both exhausted.  
  1. I completed week 3 of C25k and then some! Week 3 has probably been my favorite so far. I was so worried about running for a longer period of time, but I really enjoyed it. 
  2. Related to running: I went on a longer trail that was 2.15 miles each way. On the first way I did week 3 day 3 of C25k and was exhausted so I sat down for a few minutes. On the way back I walked for a couple minutes and then started to jog. I probably jogged for another .75 miles. walked for a bit, then jogged again. So, my total for the day was 4.3 miles. 
  3. I ran 2 miles without walking!! There is a trail that is 1 mile around and my plan was just to run, without doing the C25K, just to see how far I could go. so, I ended up running two miles!! I walked for maybe 30 seconds in order to get from the end of the trial back to the beginning...but that's it!! I was so proud of myself = )
  4. I lifted weights on Friday and my arms are still reminding me about that little experiment.
  5. I only ate half a cookie yesterday for lunch.
So, this is my week in a nutshell! I am hoping for better results on the scale next week!


  1. Holy cow! Good for you on running two miles! Even with a few setbacks, it sounds like you are doing great. Good luck on Week 4. This heat is really killing me as these runs are getting longer and longer. I need to start running at 4 am to try to beat this heat.

  2. You are doing AMAZING work!! As a seasoned marathoner, I can tell you that life will never cease to throw set-backs your way. As you learned this week, a set-back doesn't mean you've reached the end of the road; it is merely a detour. Keep doing what you're doing, lady! You rock!!
