Monday, July 15, 2013

IUI#4 Done!

So,  two posts in one night.

IUI#4 was Saturday morning!! I think everything went very well. If you remember, I had one 28mm follicle on the left side. I decided to name it Follicia. We had an uneventful morning on Saturday. We went in and there was a weighting room full of couples...yes on a Saturday. So, there was that awkward, don't look into there eyes but you want to know why they are here vibe. One couple had some suspicious packages that they brought with them, along with a lunch box, so of course I was uber curious what they were getting done. Then there was a first time couple, never been to the RE's office on a Saturday. So cute...We used to be that new, nervous we are 4 IUIs deep. Still nervous, but we know now what to expect.
Richard's part went well, he said "Hot for Teacher" came on the radio, so that was probably helpful for him. More helpful than the previous times when he had KLove and the country station on.

His counts tied for his highest, which I am very happy about. 45.6 million total motile. so, I had 45.6 million sperm going towards Follicia. I was extremely crampy for the first 24+ hours. I was unable to go to work the next day due to the extreme cramping and discomfort. I feel better now and am hoping the cramping is a good sign.

FX that this is the one!!


  1. 3 dpIUI... I hope Follicia met up with the strongest swimmers, and they are making their way down Fallopian Alley as we speak ;)

  2. I hope this one is it for you! FX!

  3. Good luck, Come on Follicia work it girl!
