Thursday, July 11, 2013

IUI#4 Plan in Place!

So, I had my Mid-cycle monitoring appt. for IUI#4 this afternoon. I was very anxious about the appointment because Hubby couldn't be there with me today because of work. I almost felt fragile and vulnerable there by myself. My emotions have just been all over the place, all I wanted was for Hubby to be there, to be my comfort.

So, I sat on the table, naked from bottom down waiting for the dildo cam. First people who walk in are my RE's nurse and a very obviously pregnant "chief resident". I couldn't even look her in the eye. I felt like I was being so incredibly rude, but I just couldn't look at her. It through me off guard so much!
So the dildo cam experience began. Dr. P started talking about my tilted uterus some more. I swear he talks about how tilted back my uterus is at every appt. It makes me think that if he keeps talking about it over and over, then maybe it can pose a problem. I know he was just teaching the resident, but still!
He first went to the right side....and nothing. There might have been a couple 6/7mm and an old 12ish mm. I started to tear up thinking that I stopped responding to meds.
Then, he went to the left side and there was a HUGE 28mm one! That's when the water works really started! I literally BooHoo'd with the dildo cam in place, nurse patting my arm for comfort and Dr.P and the resident were probably like WTH?!? Dr. P. asked if he was hurting me or if I was crying for another reason. I assured him that he was not hurting me, it has just been emotional. I apologized for crying which made me cry even more.
I am sure he has witnessed many women cry for various reasons during a trans-vaginal ultrasound...I just didn't want to be the one to do it.

So, One follicle in the running and it's a BIG ONE! I will do my Ovidrel trigger shot tonight at 9:00pm and IUI#4 is scheduled for Saturday morning at 9:30am!

I also asked about Hubby's Genetic results. Since I am a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis, I wanted to make sure that he was not a carrier before we continued with this IUI. He is not!!! YAY!! Such relief!! Thank you for those who prayed for good results! It helped!!

What shall I name my Follie?!?


  1. Yay! Huge follicle and no CF!! Great news!! Name is Ricarah (combination of Richard and Sarah).

  2. Congrats on YH genetic results, that's great! Yay for a great BIG Follie! How about Bertha? (Big Bertha :-)

    PS - Sorry about the embarrassing crying. I had an episode of that recently myself so I totally understand. With the emotions involved in IF, sometimes you just can't help it!

    GL on Sat!

  3. Yay for a big follie and hubby not being a CF carrier!

    Hmm I have seen a lot of those cute yellow minions around lately for the Despicable Me 2 movie - so my vote is for "Minion"

    Good luck!
