Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Plan for IUI#3 is in!

So, I am definitely not pregnant! WOWZER AF came with a bang last night!!!
I thought maybe 8-9pm was too late to call the on-call RE number so I called my RE's nurse this morning to let them know AF came full flow and to get the next plan of attack for IUI#3. At first she said we would have the same plan as the last one, Femara 7.5mg+Trigger+IUI. So I hung up the phone and went back to bed. Well, I got a call a few hours later from my RE's nurse saying she talked to Dr. P about the plan. She said that because I only had one mature follicle (Remember Penelope? 17mm) and he prefers two mature ones, he is going to bump up my Femara dose.

So, IUI #3 will go a little like this....

Start Femara 10mg CD 3-8, so I will start tomorrow and end next Monday.
I will go in for my monitoring appt. on June 13th at 9:30 and we will see (hopefully) two big plump follies.
Then I will trigger when he tells me to and then IUI#3 will be in the books.

I pray to God that IUI#3 is the one for me...that third time is the charm.

Hubby and I talked about how far we are willing to go, how many of these IUIs we are willing to go through. I told him I am willing to do them as long as Dr. P still thinks it will work. Weather that is 3,7,10, etc. I don't know.

I hope everyone has a good Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. 3 is a magic number! I have a good feeling about this one for you!!
