Thursday, June 27, 2013

Genetic Results Are In

So, last week I decided to break down and do the genetic testing, as recommended by Dr. P. I am glad I did because I got a call this afternoon with the results.

I am a carrier for Cystic Fibrosis.

This was a complete blind sided call. It wasn't even on my radar that I could be a carrier. I thought maybe I would be a carrier for some random, no one's ever heard of it, genetic disorder. But no, of course I am a carrier for a disorder that, if a child has it, goes through a lot of pain, hospitalizations, and ultimately (more than likely) a short life.

I am forced to think about the possibility of Hubby being a carrier and what that would mean in our ttc journey. We do not want any of our children to suffer, so continuing on and just "hoping" they don't have it, is not possible. If hubby is a carrier then our children have a 1:4 chance of having it. That's like playing Russian Rulet with our future child's life. We are not willing to do that.

So, if he is a carrier then we have 3 options:

1. Do IVF with selectivity, where they only fertilize the eggs that are not carriers.

2. Adopt

3. Live child-free

IF Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I am so sorry that you even have to think about this.

    One thought that came to mind is that if you weren't going through IF might have never known that you are a CF carrier - and may have conceived a child with it.

    I pray that your husband isn't a carrier and this was just a scare.

    1. thank you so much for bringing up such a good point...may this whole IF thing was a way for us to find out? I don't know, but it definitely puts a different spin on things.

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry that you are a carrier. Is YH being tested soon to see if he is as well? I am hoping for the best for you!

    1. He is going in tomorrow for his test, results should be back in 1-2 weeks.

  3. Think of you and hoping for the best <3
