Monday, June 17, 2013

Couch to 5k Challenge: Week 1



So, I decided to go ahead and begin the Couch to 5K Challenge. I was planning on starting it soon but was hesitant due to being in my 2ww with IUI#3. I decided this evening that since the program progresses relatively slowly and the sessions are no more than 30 minutes, then it should be fine. I will only go early in the morning or in the evening when it is cooler. I feel pretty good about doing it! So keep me accountable!!

I did session one this evening and plan to do session two tomorrow morning and session three Friday morning.


  1. You got this :-) I log all my miles on my sidebar in my blog. When I am tempted to quit I just look at it and see how many miles I have gone already. Good Luck I am cheering you on!

    1. That's a great idea Kassie! I need to keep up with my total mileage too! I am on week 2 and am actually slowing down back to week 1 because a friend is starting the program too and she needs some encouragement.

    2. Kassie, that's an awesome idea! I think that would motivate me to see it on my blog, so I'm totally going to do that too!

      Say, you go girl! I'll be cheering you on every step of the way :)

    3. Thanks for the idea Kassie!!
