Saturday, June 15, 2013

Huey, Duey and Louie are off!

So, IUI #3 is done!! 3 follies for IUI #3...I'm liking it!!
The IUI was pretty uneventful. I triggered Thursday night. I actually let hubby give me the injection this time since I did it the last two times. I wanted to give him the opportunity.
He did wonderful!!! It didn't hurt at all! I was so proud of him.
We went in for hubby's collection at 9:00. Since we came in on a Saturday the clinic was very quiet and only a couple people there. Hubby went in for his specimen and he was "in and out like a drug deal". No weird music or other mishaps.
We waited in the waiting room while they did the sperm wash. I played Jewel Mani and hubby played Candy Crush. After about 25 minutes hubby said "My sperm are getting a longer shower than I got this morning!". I thought it was cute.
at about 10:00 we went back for the actual procedure. Hubby and I cracked jokes while waiting on Dr. P. Once Dr. P came in he told us hubby's count was 34.7mil total motile. This number is lower than the past two IUIs but higher than his initial SA. We did have sexy the night of the trigger so we were only about 34 hours abstinent.
My thought is that I have 3 targets in there with 34.7 mil active sperm...that is 11.5mil per egg! I'll take that = )
The actual IUI was done before I knew it. When Dr.P started taking his gloves off I was like "It's done?".
I layed on the table for 10 minutes, felt a lot of cramping. I plan to take it easy the rest of the day. I really hope the third time is the charm for me. I will test June 29th!


  1. Sounds like it went perfectly, Sarah :) Take it easy today and I hope the 2WW flies! I'm a bit superstitious about numbers (3 is a magic number! My other favorites are 7, 13 and 37), so I really like all the 3's you have going for you. I'm planning on June 29th for my testing day too because it'll be 13 dpIUI. I'm hoping it'll be our lucky day!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ohh, sorry about the DD above! Let me try this again :)

      Check out the link below to see how awesome 3 really is:

      Just as a warning, it's the Schoolhouse Rock clip "Three is a Magic Number" and there are references to a family of three. Don't watch it if you're having a bad IF day!!

    3. Thanks!! I posted it as my next post! Love it!! I absolutly was in love with Schoolhouse Rock as a kid!!

    4. Schoolhouse Rock is the best! My colleague shows it to the 5th grade chorus every year after their concert. Because he teaches that class in my room, I get to hear and sing along :)
