Friday, August 2, 2013

I've Been Benched

So, today was my monitoring appointment with my RE to see how my follies are growing. I took Femara 10mg Cycle day 3-7. Today is CD8. I told my RE's nurse about our plan to take a IF treatment break after IUI#6 if we don't get good news before then. She cried with me, comforted me, and made me feel like I wasn't "giving up". I really appreciated her comfort. I even showed her the good luck trinket a friend gave me who is also dealing with IF. It is a small charm book with pages in it you can write words that bring hope or dreams you want to accomplish. I only have one page written on, and I wrote "Hope". She really loved the trinket and the meaning. 
The clinic was very busy, apparently they try to have all the IVF cycles cycling at the same time. So they were rushing around doing various important looking things. I probably sat on the table bottomless for about 45 minutes. I was soooo close to pressing random buttons on the ultrasound machine!
Eventually Dr.P came in and we started the ultrasound. My lining was only 4.4, which is thin, but I am only on cycle day 8 so it's still real early in my cycle. I think he found a 9mm on the right. and a 8 and 12mm on the left? Something like that. Oh, yeah, he also found a hemorrhagic leutal blah blah something cyst. 
So, I have a flippin cyst on my ovary. This means he doesn't want to waste an IUI on a cycle that is less than ideal. I appreciated that and agreed with him. He said that the new plan would be for me to do OPKs (ovulation predictor kit) starting Sunday at 2pm until I get a positive. Once I get a positive I can do my Ovidrel trigger shot and do timed intercourse (TI). 
I stopped listening after he said hemorrhagic blah blah something cyst so i am not sure what side it is on or the size of it. He did say that these cysts can take a little while to go away but didn't say exactly how long. If this cycle doesn't work then I will call and go in early in my next cycle to assess if my cyst is gone or not. 
I am ok with this. Do you know why? Because I now have an extra month before our "break". I now have 3 months to try with meds instead of 2. This is what is keeping me from crying. 
I went out and got some smiley face OPKs. I have a sack full of Wondfo OPKs in my bathroom but they can be hard to read sometimes and I think a smiley face will be easier. 
Once I get a positive smiley face OPK then I will give myself the trigger shot as soon as possible and then TI the next day and the next....and then the next to be safe = )
So, this is where I am at. Benched.


  1. Girl, I am right there with you in my own way. I'm shocked to hear this news, but trust that everything will be perfect when you reach the end of the road. ((hugs))

  2. I am so sorry you are benched, it stinks to have to sit on the sidelines when you expected to be cycling.

    I would encourage you to definitely still try this month...we were benched between IUI's #5 and 6 because of a 42mm cyst and I got my surprise bfp that cycle.

    I hope you are equally lucky.
