Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Oh the Cuteness!

I really have nothing exciting to write about. I start school on Friday so my free time will be very limited from then on out.

I just wanted to do a cute gif post!!

aren't they cute??!!
Side note: I have added a donation button to the top of my blog. This is in no way a way to put pressure on anyone. This is simply a way that, if you feel led, to donate to the cause of helping us continue with family building. The money raised will go directly toward IF treatment, adoption, or if we get a BFP then towards baby fund (college fund mostly). The donation is through Paypal so it is safe and secure. Thank you in advanced.

1 comment:

  1. Aww how cute! They had a special exhibit with pandas at the zoo near us this summer so of course I had to go!
