Friday, August 9, 2013

Exciting things are Happening

So, Since being benched a week ago, I have been busy!!

I have been "ok" with the bench because it gives me time to think, and I don't feel like this cycle has been a total loss. Let me start with the first exciting things

1. I ran 3.38 miles!! Each mile represented something in my life causing me stress/anxiety. The first mile was my work stress. Work has been extremely stressful due to some pretty wild patients. I have dealt with this by drinking. Wine is my friend = ). Plus, alcohol makes me frisky, which brings me to stress #2. IF. Since being benched, my RE told me to take OPKs until I got a positive and then do a trigger shot and TI. This whole week I have been taking OPKs at 2:00 in the afternoon, at work, at home, wrapping OPKs in paper towels and staying in the bathroom for 5min+. My co-workers probably think I have GI issues. Anxiety #3...School.

2. I had orientation for Graduate School on Thursday. It is so surreal to think that in a short few days I will be starting graduate school. I am a graduate student. I am starting classes to become a Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I am extremely excited, nervous, intimidated. My goal has always to continue my education and become a Nurse Practitioner, it is just so wild that that time is now. I signed up for 3 classes, 6 hours. I will be going to school part time so that I can still work full time. all of the classes are online. It should take me 3 years at the least to finish. I am in no rush. But....if I have a baybay while I am still in school then I will take a break for a semester making my graduation date farther away (which is FINE with me!!!). I am taking a Diagnostic Laboratory class, a Discipline in Nursing class, and an Advanced Physical Assessment course. The Assessment course will probably be the hardest class, while the other two (I hear) are pretty easy. Since I work at the hospital where the school is, the hospital pays for 6 hours a semester of school. So, the only thing I have to pay for are books. I bought 3 books new because they would be helpful in the long run, and I am renting the rest from Barns and Noble. What a life saver B&N is!!! Soooo much cheaper!! I am getting all of these books for more than 50% less than if I bought them. Oh yeah, and I have to buy a laptop. Well, technically I have one but it died last weekend so my trust in it is out the window. I explained to hubby the concerns I have with the current laptop and that my school is 100% on the computer, so I need something I trust and is reliable and has all working parts. worked!! I am hoping we can order the new laptop soon! My most favorite part of starting school is putting all of the due dates in my monthly/weekly planner!! So fun!!!
I'm such a dork

3. I got an +OPK today!!! I have been peeing on these freaking OPK sticks since Sunday. The whole time, I never thought I would get a positive, because I didn't think I would get an LH surge. I didn't give my ovaries enough credit!! I got a positive OPK today. Today was my short day at work, so I peed at 2:00pm, left work at 3 and did the trigger at 4:00. We will TI tomorrow night. We BD'd last night, and on Tues. night. So our timing is pretty good! FX that this benched cycle isn't a total bust!!

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