Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Getting Ready for IUI#2

Hello Everyone! I haven't done a post since before Mother's Day because, frankly, I haven't felt up to it. Since my BFN last Monday after IUI#1, work being crazy, and the emotions of Mother's Day in the mix, I have really been down and out. I started my higher dose of Femara 7.5mg last Thursday and took the last dose yesterday. I really have been numb this whole cycle. Since I let my hopes get up so high last time, I am so scared for them to fall again. I haven't taken pictures of my meds, haven't documented this cycle's journey, I really haven't let myself get excited at all.

I just expect it not to work.

I had my mid-cycle monitoring appointment and I really didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if it would be a repeat from last cycle, where I hardly responded at all. I didn't know if I would respond "too well" or if I would have a cyst in there. I just had no clue. That's the problem with IF, no control. So, hubby was able to come with me today for the ultrasound. Since my RE is out of town, an ultrasound technician did my ultrasound and then they would call my RE with the results and he would give his suggested plan.
Any-who...I have big ole Follicle in there! 17mm! Last cycle my biggest were 13 and 14! On the right side I have that plump 17mm follicle that seemed to have taken up all the space, and then I have about 3-4 smaller ones that ranged from 7.5mm-11mm. Then, on the left I have about 3-4 that ranged from 7.5mm-10mm. I was so overwhelmed by the response that I didn't write down the numbers!!! ::face palm:: I knew I should have gotten hubby to take notes!
So, as you can see I responded quite well. I was really concerned about responding "too well", meaning they would have to cancel the cycle. I also talked to the nurse about a possible change of plans for this cycle. As I mentioned in a previous post, we decided that we wanted to do the medicines, with a trigger shot, but do timed intercourse instead of IUI. Well, I talked to the nurse and asked if it was too late to change that up a bit. I told her that if we were to do an IUI and if it were to land on a day I have off work, then I would prefer to do an IUI instead of TI (timed intercourse). She said that she will call Dr. P and see what he thinks. She tried to call while we were there but his phone went to voice mail because he was in flight or something. I hate they have to bother him on his vacation!! I hope he went somewhere real Hawaii!

So, I ran some errands and came home. My RE's nurse called and said they Dr. P was very happy with the response and suggested I trigger Saturday night and have the IUI Monday morning!!! She didn't even have to tell him my work schedule! I am off work Monday so we will proceed with IUI#2!

Side note: My dad gave me flowers for Mother's Day. He gave me a Yellow, White and Red rose to symbolize Faith, Hope and Love. When he handed them to me he said what they symbolize and that is really what a mother is and that I am a mother-to-be. I just started crying right then and there!!! I have so much support around me! I'm sure I have said this before, but I have never had days where I have been so sad, but I have never felt more supported by family and friends around me. Even women I have never met have meant so much to me and help me get through this crazy journey known as IF.
 So, thank you for supporting me. It truly means the world to me!

Sheesh!! I almost forgot!! What shall we name by big juicy follicle???


  1. Congrats on the good response and good luck with IUI #2!

    That was so sweet of your dad!

  2. Good follie size! I know what you mean about having hopes up too high. Last cycle was a terrible let down.

    Good luck at the IUI on Monday!

  3. FX for IUI #2! Congrats on that nice big follie.
