Wednesday, December 25, 2013

7 Weeks blueberry

I am actually 7w2d today so I am moving towards blueberry! What an exciting week it has been!! After the tortuous wait for my first ultrasound...It finally happened!! Hubby and I were so so anxious and nervous the day of the ultrasound...ok, mostly me. I was so nervous that nothing would be in there, I was nervous there was going to be multiples and I couldn't figure out how we would be able to make it financially with two or three kids all at once. I was pretty much just a nervous freaking wreck! I was so happy to see my RE's nurses and my RE. Dr. P was so happy for us and I could tell this ultrasound was more exciting for him than just follicle check ultrasounds. It was a dildo-cam nonetheless. I wore my fancy socks for him and he said they were nice = ).

So, dildo-cam in place and made a fast sweep to the uterus to reassure me that there was a baby in there. He showed hubby and me the baby and the flicker of the heart beat. I was so relieved I really didn't listen to the rest. He then went to make sure there wasn't any flickering anywhere else, like an ectopic. There wasn't, although I do still have a cyst on one of the ovaries that he said he would measure next time to make sure it's going down. Then, the fun stuff! After measuring the ovary and the cyst and making sure there wasn't a baby somewhere there wasn't supposed to be one, he went back to the uterus.

oooooo...baaaaby = )

It was the most amazing site. It looked like a little tad pole. He measured the crown to rump and said we were measured 7w2d when we were actually 6w6d, so a few days ahead which is normal to be within 3 days. He let us listen to the heart beat for a split second and it was so so beautiful (I know I talked about this in the pervious post, but it was magnificent).

He gave me drugs and they are amazing. I had been having queasiness pretty much all day, so I wasn't able to eat nearly enough food. So, he said I could take half a tab of unisom and 100mg of Vit B6 every night for morning sickness. HOLY MOLEY DO I FEEL AMAZING!! I almost feel like a non-pregnant lady (which has its own worries). Either I am complaining about too many symptoms or concerned about hardly any (sigh...IF brain!). Bottom line is that I feel great and I can eat! No cravings or anything, but sometimes a certain thing will sound better than another.

This is finals week in school so I am trying my darnest to focus on that, but it's hard. I did get a 94 on one of my finals and it looks like I will have an A in another class. I have a big check-off tomorrow morning, which hubby is my partner who I have to do a full body assessment on. I just hope he doesn't try to goof off in front of the teacher and throw me off my game.

How Far Along: 7 Weeks, Blueberry
Total Weight Gain: none yet

Maternity Clothes: nope, I did buy a pair of maternity pants on cyber Monday from Gap! I haven't gotten them in yet. They were half off though! woot! I thought I could wear them on Christmas since Thanksgiving was so darn uncomfortable tummy wise.  
 Stretch Marks: No, no new ones
Sleep: Sleep is good, I want to sleep A LOT though and I go to bed really early.
 Best Moment This Week: Ultrasound!! Oh that sweet heartbeat!
 Miss Anything: still Beer
Movement: Too early
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: I have felt pretty good since taking that unisom/B6 combo.
Cravings: Nope, not really
Gender: Absolutely no idea.
Labor Signs: waaay too early.
Symptoms: Sore boobs (and big! wowzer! honk honk!! don't honk...that hurts), heightened sense of smell, tired. Oh, and the lovely constipation has started O.M.G. 
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
Feeling: I feel pretty good. I am still on the high after the first ultrasound. I really can't complain! I have been feeling a lot of guilt though. Guilt as far as friends and IF friends who have been through so much more than me, IF wise, but yet I'm the one who gets a "surprise" BFP? I just feel a lot of guilt about that and I am trying to deal with it.
Exercise:  I am trying but its so darn cold outside. I got a pre-natal yoga DVD, but  still I haven't opened it yet. I did walk a few miles the other day and it was nice to get out there.
Looking Forward To: Pregnancy announcement pictures on Dec. 13th! My birthday is the 14th so I convinced hubby to do these pictures =) He just couldn't say no, especially after seeing bean!
 Next Appointment: December 23rd!!! 

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