Wednesday, December 25, 2013

6 weeks-- still KU

This wait between beta and first ultrasound is ridiculous!! But, my first ultrasound was a week from yesterday so it's getting closer!! December 3rd hurry up!!

Sorry the picture is so darn big....

How Far Along: 6 Weeks, size of a sweet pea!
Total Weight Gain: none yet

Maternity Clothes: nope, but I am tempted when the bloat gets bad to get a bella band, but haven't yet. Maybe there will be some good sales this week. I'm really too nervous to buy anything right now.
 Stretch Marks: No, no new ones
Sleep: sleep is "ok". I've had a bad cough for a few weeks which wakes me up.
 Best Moment This Week: 6 week mark!
 Miss Anything: Beer
Movement: Too early
 Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Nothing in particular, I just feel queasy in the mornings but it tends to ease up after I drink some ginger ale or eat some crackers.
Cravings: Nope, not really
Gender: Absolutely no idea. I still don't think there is an actual baby in there, much less one with xx or xy chromosomes!
Labor Signs: waaay too early.
Symptoms: Sore boobs (and big! wowzer! honk honk!! don't honk...that hurts), queasy in the mornings, heightened sense of smell, tired.
Belly Button In or Out: In 
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
Feeling: I feel pretty good but still very cautious. I went to an IF support group last night and really felt like I shouldn't be there. I mean who wants a woman who got a "surprise" BFP at your infertility support group?? I wouldn't...I don't think I should go back.
Exercise:  I am trying but its so darn cold outside. I got a pre-natal yoga DVD, but I haven't opened it yet.
Looking Forward To: Turkey day and first ultrasound!!
 Next Appointment: December 3rd!!! 

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