Monday, April 22, 2013

IUI#1 done!

 On Saturday night I was told to do the trigger shot at 9:30 at night, so when I got home from work I started preparing for it! I kept going back in forth between Hubby doing it or me doing it. I have a video of the festivities but for some reason it isn't letting me upload it. I ended up giving the injection to myself. I think I did pretty well!!

So, Hubby and I went in this morning (Monday 4/22/2013) for our first (and hopefully only) IUI!

Hubby went in for his contribution at 8:30 this am. I had given him some material on his phone to help him out a little bit. When he came out of the room he looked so bewildered! The first thing he said was "guess what was playing on the radio in that room?!?". I said "What?". and said "K-LOV, a freaking Christian radio station!" He said he was too scared to touch anything in the room so he didn't change the channel. We both couldn't stop laughing!
 I know everything I have gone through with this infertility journey has been painful/uncomfortable and emotionally exhausting, but I could NOT imagine having to "preform on command"! Props to all the men out there having to give their "sample", because I would think the pressure of it all could really effect them and make it so their sample is poor or possibly so they can't give a sample at all! I guess that's why some offices freeze sperm or let the hubbies bring their sample in from home.
After he gave his sample and I got my vital signs and weight (ugh!!!!) we went to have breakfast while we wait for them to wash hubby's sample.
We came back about 40 minutes later for the actual IUI! The procedure only took about 10 minutes total. Dr. P went over Hubby's sample. He said that his pre-wash was about 49million and post was was 36million or 9mil/mL. He said it was in the 20th percentile, but I thought it sounded "ok". IT ONLY TAKES ONE!!!
He put the sample in a syringe with a long thin tip that goes into my cervix and then slowly injected the sample into my uterus. Then I had to lay flat for 10 minutes. The speculum placement was the worst part.

All in all I am very hopeful and I will try to step away from the pee sticks for two May 6th I will test!
 If it is positive then I will post it on my blog, but i will not share it on Facebook. Whenever I do get my positive test, I won't announce it on Facebook until later in the pregnancy, this includes sharing my blog post on Facebook.

I also wanted to write a little bit about this week being National Infertility Awareness Week.  I will  try to post pictures on Facebook that bring awareness to National Infertility Awareness Week. 1 in 8 couples will struggle with some sort of infertility problem...that's a lot! Ever since I have started this blog, so many woman have come to me and told me about their infertility struggles! I say this because even if you don't struggle with infertility..someone you know does. When people post on Facebook about how horrible pregnancy, how much they hate it, or other complaint about pregnancy/children, I just can't help but think about all those women (me included) that would give ANYTHING to go through the morning sickness, back aches, etc if the end result meant a child. I guess what I am trying to get across is the fact that Infertility is painful physically and mentally. Every time there is a pregnancy announcement it is yet another reminder of what those of us who struggle with infertility don't/can't have.
I just hope that those who weren't aware of how many struggle with infertility issues will think twice about who they ask "are you pregnant?" "when are you having kids?" "do you not want kids?" etc, etc. Many people don't talk about their infertility struggles because it is so personal and emotional, but it exists and it is painful.
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1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed for your IUI! I agree with you, even though we do get the brunt of things, our poor DH's with the "sample on command" must be pretty tough!
