Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Eli's Birth Story

Eli’s Birth Story
July 11, 2014
I woke up at 5:20 am to get ready for my second to last day of work. I got up and used the restroom. When I stood up to get ready for a shower I felt a small gush of fluid. My underwear was wet but it wasn’t so much fluid that it got my pants wet. I also had some clear mucous in my underwear. I thought that either my water was leaking or I urinated on myself. Since I was 38w2d pregnant, I could have easily urinated myself due to the size of the baby. I wasn’t having any pain or contractions so I decided to go ahead and take a shower and see how I felt. I continued to get ready for work. I put on my scrubs, fed the cats and dogs. Richard was still asleep but I woke him up a little bit just to let him know that my water might have broken, so he may want to take his hospital bag with him to work with some of his clothes in case something happens while at work. I work at the hospital where I was to deliver, so I knew that no matter what I would be going to the hospital. The only question was if I should go ahead and go to work or go to Women’s Urgent Care first to see. While I was making breakfast I decided to call Women’s Urgent care to tell them my symptoms to see what they recommend I do. The nurse said that it could easily have been urine or my water, but since there was mucus in with it then it sounded more like my water. She said that if I walk around and I continue to get leaking or I sit down and have a “gush” then I should come to Women’s Urgent Care. As I continued to get ready I had a few more episodes of water leaking. I decided that it may be safest to go to Women’s Urgent care first. I called a few people at work to let them know and to see if they could cover me. Of course they said they would. I told them that if it wasn’t my water then I would come to work.
I decided to park in the employee parking lot in case it wasn’t my water and so I wouldn’t have to pay for parking. The problem with that is employee parking is a long long way away from Women’s Urgent Car. Luckily I didn’t have any leaking episodes as I walked there.
I checked into Women’s urgent care and told them that I thought my water had broken. They checked me in. My blood pressure was a little high, but I had just walked a mile, practically. I had to pee in a cup and my urine looked horrible. I had a lot of sediment in it. They checked me in and gave me a bed in the urgent care area…it’s pretty much like an ER but for OB. I had to put on a gown and they hooked me up to a NST (neonatal stress test) monitor. A nursing student helped me get situated, I told her that the leaking started at 5:30 this morning. As I was listening to Eli’s heartbeat and they were looking at the strips I informed my mom and dad what was going on so they could be prepared. The NST looked good so they unhooked me. A resident then came in to check my cervix. OMG did that hurt. I was at 2cm and 80% effaced. It was so so painful and then gush, gush, gush. Water just kept coming out. She said that it definitely looked like my water broke, so she did the fern test just to be sure and it was positive. When the test results came back she told me to call my husband because I would be admitted. I called Richard and he was still asleep. I gave him instructions on what to pack in his bag, where to go, etc. He said his heart was beating so fast and just couldn’t believe this was happening. 

They then transferred me to the labor and delivery unit. Richard came up not too long after. They hooked me up to monitors again, started an IV and fluids. I talked to them a little about my birth plan, but since my water had already broken, things would have to happen faster than normal. The nurse explained that Pitocin would probably be started if my cervix hadn’t changed. The doctor came in and rechecked me and I hadn’t changed. So Pitocin was ordered. My mom showed up not too long after that. I still hadn’t had any contractions.
They started Pitocin at about 10:00am and I started having contractions not too long after it was started. Both Eli and I tolerated the contractions well. I had music playing, Richard and my mom would rub my feet or hands during contractions. It was a very peaceful environment. Because my water had broken, I wasn’t able to walk around like I had hoped I would. After about 6 hours of contractions I couldn’t take the pain anymore so I asked for an Epidural. They came to do the epidural and I was so scared. I was scared about a needle going into my back and being able to stay still while they did the procedure, since I was experiencing painful contractions about every 3 minutes. My family had to leave while they did the epidural. The anesthesiologists were great and my nurse was awesome. After the epidural was placed they checked me and I was only 4cm dilated. I was so upset. My goal was to wait for the epidural until 6cm. I was still experiencing some contraction pain on my left side so they had me lay on my L side so the medicine could move that way. About 30 minutes later I began feeling a lot of rectal pressure so the nurse checked me and she said I was completely dilated and at +1 station!! She called the doctor. I couldn’t believe how fast everything was going and the doctors were shocked as well, since this is my first baby. She began to prep the room for delivery. Richard and I just kept looking at each other in disbelief. I was able to feel the pressure of the contractions and the only way to describe it was that I really had to poop. I felt so stupid explaining that to the doctors. The attending and resident came in and we did a few test pushes. They decided that they would let him labor down the birth canal a little while longer. After the test pushes Richard and I decided that we just wanted it to but us two in the room with the nurse. I then had a contractions and I noticed Eli’s heart beat went down but it wasn’t coming back up. I kept saying “come on baby, come back up”. Before I knew it the doctors and nurses came in quickly and said “It’s time to have a baby!” In hindsight I wonder if they came in with urgency because they knew Eli was in distress, or if they decided I had labored enough. I believe it was the former.
After about 8-10 minutes of pushing his head came out. The cord was wrapped tightly around his neck. I pushed again and he came out. They immediately brought him over to the warming table. I was in shock, I looked at Richard and tears were just rolling down his face. I then realized I hadn’t heard him cry yet. His body was pink but head was blue and his limbs were floppy. After the nurses stimulated him some more he began to cry. The most amazing sound I have ever heard in my entire life. Richard and I just kissed and hugged. 

I ended up having a 2nd degree tear so they began to repair that. They placed Eli on my chest for skin to skin. It was so amazing holding him, feeling him wiggle and just hold him. We also tried breast feeding for the first time and he latched on after a lot of encouragement. After him being on my chest for about an hour they weighed him and measured him. He was 6lb 2.4oz and 19 inches long, He was born at 6:34pm. 13 hours after my water broke I had a son to hold in my arms.
They took him to the transition nursery for routine evaluation and they transferred me to the post-partum floor. They took out my epidural and catheter before this and oh my did the first pee burn!!
They told us he would be in the transition nursery for about 3 hours. We arrived at the post partum floor at about 9:00pm. We got situated and tried to get some sleep before they brought Eli back. We would have him room in with us. I didn’t sleep at all since I was worried about him and 1:30 rolled around and they still hadn’t brought him to us. Of course the worst case scenarios came to mind. At about 2:00 they finally brought him in to us. I began breast feeding and he latched on much better. Neither Richard nor I got much sleep at all. We did sleep better with him in the room with us, but we slept with one ear open and would check on him with every movement and coo. We survived though. During the next couple of days the nurses came in to help me with breast feeding, the lactation nurse came to see us. The doctors checked on me and on Eli. Mostly we hung out in our hospital room, had visitors come to see and hold him. My grandparents came to hold their first great grandchild. My parents came to hold their first grandchild and Richard’s parents came to hold their first grandchild. It was so special to have everyone experience this miracle. We were so overwhelmed with love for Eli.
We were able to go home the next day, 2 days post partum. We were so ready to be in our own space. Now the adventure begins!!!!
We have been home for a few days and things are going great. He is a breastfeeding champ. My milk has come in and he is a very mellow baby (so far). We are just so in love. 


  1. He's perfect! Congratulations!

  2. Aww what a little cutie pie! He is absolutely adorable, congratulations!

    Thank you so much for sharing your birth story - everybody's is different so it is always interesting to read them! I am so happy that your baby is here and healthy!

  3. SO beautiful! Congratulations S :-)

  4. Aw!!! He looks beautiful! I can hardly believe he's already here. Congratulations you guys!
