Sunday, March 3, 2013

My BFF Had a BayBay!

I haven't posted in a little while, so I thought I would jot a few things down.

When it comes to my weight loss challenge it is hit or miss. When I did the official weigh in last Thursday, and I had gained like 0.3lb...basically the same. But when I weighed myself last night I had lost about 2 more Lbs, so I don't know where I stand at the moment. I really haven't been eating well over the weekend so I should probably pay more attention to what I eat. I did do a 4 mile walk today with my dogs which was real nice and peaceful!
Nothing new with baby making stuff. I did finally start my period on my own after 41 days (yay!). I actually started the day I wrote my last post...I clicked "Save" and "Publish", went to the rest room and there she was! This is good for me because I know now that I can at least start a period on my own. This, of course, does not mean I ovulate, but I can at least do something on my own. So, once I start my next cycle on my own we will start on fertility treatments! I am super excited because the pills (Femara) will help with egg development, the Trigger shot will ensure I actually release the egg by giving me an LH surge (this is what I am most excited about because I believe the lack of LH surge is my whole problem and if this shot will fix it then BAM!), and then the actual Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) will ensure that only the strong sperm will be used and it will be inserted directly into my uterus just waiting on an egg (or two) to fertilize!!This still feels really far off because my last cycle took FOREVER. My husband has just been AMAZING! I asked him if he would like to be with me during that actual IUI and he had the perfect response! He said "you mean me be there during the possible conception of our baby? Of course I will be there!" Isn't he just the best!?!

My Best friend had a baby on Friday March, 1, 2013!! I have been so happy for her during her whole pregnancy and have really put my baby energy into her. Baby Grayson Alan was born at 6:09pm weighing in at 6lb12oz via C Section. Her blood pressure was elevated and amniotic fluid was low so she had to go into the hospital to be induced. She didn't respond to the induction medication so she had a C Section. Baby Grayson is so incredibly perfect! She lives a couple of hours away so I went and saw her the next day (Saturday) and got to hold baby Grayson and spend some time with my BFF and her husband (whom I have known since elementary school)! It is so amazing that a woman can create a baby, a life!, and then give that baby nutrition through milk from a breast.
 I leave for Europe on Saturday!! Less than a week!! I am going to be a chaperone for my 16 year old sister in-law's high school class. It will be me, 2 other chaperones, and 8 teenagers! Ahhh!! I just pray I don't lose anyone! I am so excited about going. I have been to Great Britain before but never to France or Italy. On Saturday we will be flying to Rome, spend some time there and at the Vatican. After a couple of days we will go to Florence. Then after a few days we will take an overnight train to Paris! We will also go to Normandy for a day and head back to Paris. Our final destination will be London. It will be a 12 day long whirlwind of tours, foreign language, foreign money and walking. A. LOT. OF. WALKING! I am so glad these students will get to experience this and I am thankful that my husband said it was ok that I go as well!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the foreign experience will be a great segue into hopefully baby-making time! I hope those kids don't treat you too badly. Magdelene, you take care of MY baby!
