Friday, November 15, 2013

God Has to have a sense of Humor


I swear God has got to have a sense of humor, because life can be so funny sometimes.

After 6 failed IUIs we decided to take a treatment break to save up for IVF. When I say treatment break, I mean break from everything. No OPKs, temping, none of it. So, you can imagine my surprise when I saw this on November 13,2013 on CD29

That's right....I'M KTFU!!!!! I went in for my beta the next day 11/14/13 and it was 932!! My RE said that the beta was so strong he didn't want to waste my money on getting another one. My first ultrasound is scheduled for 6 weeks 7 days on December 3. My EDD is 7/23/14.
I can not tell you how both excited and terrified I am. I am scared to get excited but yet when I see those four positive tests and that amazing beta...I just can't help but be so thankful. I just can't believe this happened this way. No only not on treatments but I actually got KU having sex. I mean who would have thought!!
How I told my hubby: I had sent him a picture of the first pee stick because I thought my eyes were messing with me. He thought he saw a faint second line but was cautious. On his way home from work that night I took another cheapie and a FRER test. I waited in the nursery for him. When I heard him coming I called out to him and said "Do you think we can get this ready in 9 months?" he said "Of course....wait....REALLY!?!".
He is definitely cautious. I think he relaxed more when he saw my beta number. He's the best baby daddy ever!!
I want to try to wait and tell my and hubby's family for Christmas, that will be 10 weeks. I just hope I can keep this a secret!!!
Thank you readers for all of your support!!


  1. <3 <3 <3 Miracles happen every day... So glad yours is now!

  2. So so awesome! We got pregnant on a break cycle between IUI's 5 & 6, so I know how strange it can feel that you "got KU on your own." So happy and excited for you guys!

    I love the many different versions and kinds of pee sticks!

  3. This post makes me so incredibly happy!! Congrats!!!! <3

  4. Congrats! I love your post too ;)

  5. Ahhhhhhh!!!! I squealed when I just read this!! CONGRATULATIONS! :D I promise not to say anything
