As for my updates, I missed week 21, but nothing really new happened. Things are going very well for us (me, hubby, and Eli). I feel him move daily and I believe he has gotten big enough to reach my rib area.
The most amazing thing happened today too!!! I went to get my hair done and as soon as I walked into my hair salon my RE came up to me and gave me a hug!!! An onlooker would have thought I had seen a celebrity! I was so so happy to see him. I am just so thankful for him and his nurses. I know I didn't necessarily have success during an IF treatment but I did take Femara and they just supported me so much. They gave me so much hope and I could not brag about them enough = )
We book our "baby-moon" too! We didn't have much time since I can't really take off work due to my maternity leave being my personal/medical leave. We found a cabin in a small town in Louisiana located on a sugar cane field that we will stay for two nights. I look forward to just relaxing and sitting on the porch. This won't happen until May...but I'm excited!
How Far Along: 22 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: +6lbs at my last OB appt. Probably more since then but I haven't weighed myself.
Maternity Clothes: LOVE 'EM!!
Sleep: It's tough. I use the body pillow and all, but I get so achy and uncomfortable. Not to mention the heart burn.
Best Moment This Week: I saw my RE today!! squeeee!!! Plus, Hubby started working on the nursery!!!
Miss Anything: I miss being able to sleep really well and not having heartburn
Movement: I feel him daily and more in the rib area too. I guess he is getting bigger! I had my first "Wow! Ow!" kick a few days ago. Hubby still hasn't seen him move and I haven't seen him move from the outside.
Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Not really. I have had to take Zofran once or twice, but over all I feel good. Something came out of my nip nip a few days ago and it made me gag and almost threw up. Not sure how I will breast feed...I won't go into detail.
Cravings:I got some crawfish!! Yay!! I have also been on a cereal kick.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!! Eli Preston!!
Labor Signs: waaay too early.
Symptoms: Loving the movements!!!Heart burn, boo.
Symptoms: Loving the movements!!!Heart burn, boo.
Belly Button In or Out: In
Wedding Rings On or Off: On
Feeling: I feel great. And so thankful whenever I feel Eli move.
Exercise: I went on a 4 mile walk last week! It felt so so good to get outside and walk. I really felt great during the walk and hope I can continue. I am signed up for a couple 5k walks next months so I need to stay active!
Looking Forward To: I am looking forward to hubby being able to feel Eli kick and see the changes in the nursery every day! Hubby is in there working on it now = )
Next Appointment: April 2nd